Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Duckweed in the Ponds

With all the challenges summer brings for our staff on the golf course, keeping the creeks and ponds free of weeds and algae is always one of tougher tasks.  This year is proving to be no different.

As you can see in the photo, we are dealing with an aquatic weed called Duckweed, throughout the creeks and ponds.  Although there are some beneficial characteristics of the plant such as removing nitrates from the water and reducing certain types of  algae, from our perspective, we would rather see clean water.  

The difficulty in removing Duckweed is due to the rapid rate of reproduction.  We have been treating the plant with an aquatic herbicide, unfortunately, the benefits are only lasting a few days.  Any amount of Duckweed not killed has the ability to quickly reestablish.

Earlier in the year, we had the benefit of the occasional flushing rain that would force the growth downstream.  Without the rains, we are fighting a losing battle.

We will continue to look at alternative methods for controlling  the Duckweed.  If anyone has had any level of success dealing with this issue I would be open to suggestions. 

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing this. I have actually used an aquatic herbicide that dealt with that kind of problem before. I hope you can fix your pond to make it look good again.
