Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Soil Sensors....Part II

Probing and Watering on #8 green

Armed with data from our sensors that were installed in several greens along with information from our handheld sensors, we are evaluating our current management practices (specifically watering practices) in an effort to produce the surface we desire on a consistent basis.

For starters, the main thing we know is that the greens at WCC are very much consistently inconsistent.  The ability of the greens to retain moisture, as well as move excess moisture through the profile varies dramatically from green to green.  Keep in mind, with our type of green, excess moisture = soft greens.  

What we are finding is, in order to dial in our moisture content from green to green, the only way to get there is through the use of the sensors directing hand watering on a daily basis.  Although we will still have a use for the overhead irrigation  for the occasional deep water, we are finding the sprinklers are leading to too much variability between the wet areas and the dry areas.

Prior to using this technology our focus was directed more at the obviously dry areas.  Now we are able to focus more on the wet areas with an understanding of how wet we actually are and how long it takes us to get to our desired moisture content.

What does all this mean...our hope is that it leads to reduced water usage, and firmer, healthier greens.  

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